Thursday 11 August 2011


This is the seventh in a series of ten blogs about using a child's love of football to encourage them to enjoy reading more.

Some children prefer to play football than read books.

Let's face it.

In fact, when I was a child - and some - I played football for about ten to fifteen hours a week. More in the holidays. Much more time than I spent reading.

Children play football because they like it and because they want to get better at it.

Today's blog is to do with books about how to play football.

I go into a lot of libraries. I must have visited at least 500 in the UK to speak about my books. Maybe more. In every one I get some football books off the shelves to show to the children I speak to. Biographies. Fiction. Histories. And... books on how to play.

Most libraries have at least three, often ten or more, of these books. They can be found in the children's sport section. They are simple and clear with lots of images of:

* how to be a better player

* how to be fit for football

* tactics on defending, attacking, etc.

* how to do tricks

The books are often full of exercises and drills that could help a child to vastly improve their skills.

So why not get one of the books out and go to do some of the drills with your child - and their friends? It could be a good way of imporving their football skills.

Then give them the book that evening to see if they want to read some more tips about what you could do the next day.

There are some great books. Usbourne do some great ones in particular.

Good luck.

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