Sunday 21 June 2009


I'm in Northampton. In a hotel. Eating chocolate. Listening to Duffy.

I just finished reading the first 25,000 words of Football Detective III. It needs work. But is getting there.

I have my writers' group in a week. They'll read the book this weekend, then tell me what is good and bad about it, where it needs work. I love this process. I have learned so much from Sophie and James doing this. I have 48 hours to knock it into shape before sending it off to them.

I have been reading a great book called The Belly of the Atlantic by Fatou Diome. It's about a boy who wants to play football in Europe. He lives in Senegal. Not really that much like my book, but a great way to help me build one of my characters. Reading books and seeing films about things close to what I am writing about helps.

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